Dr Josh Tobin

Journey with an Aboriginal Australian Doctor exploring health, human resilience, wild landscapes, and pioneering tech.

Tobin Thoughts

Hello and welcome, I'm Dr. Josh, A medical doctor by trade, an adventurer at heart, and an Aboriginal Australian who takes pride in my heritage. I was born and brought up in Darug country, an upbringing that shaped my perspective and sparked my passion for First Nation health advocacy.

As a doctor, I've worked in a range of settings - from the traditional clinical environment in Sydney to occasionally the remote and often harsh conditions of the Australian outback. This exposure fueled my interest in Adventure Medicine, and understanding the extremes of the human body, and ultimately led to a career that hopes to blend the unconventional with the life-saving.

Beyond medicine, my passion lies in exploring the wild expanses of National Parks worldwide, each one a testament to the remarkable diversity of our planet. This interest aligns closely with my fascination for technology, particularly how it can aid in preserving these natural landscapes and facilitate healthcare in challenging terrains and vast landscapes

This blog is an amalgamation of my experiences and passions, I look forward to sharing my stories, experiences, and insights across a range of topics - First Nation health, the wonders of adventure medicine, the extremities of human resilience, the exploration of our world's parks, and the innovative technology playing a role in these areas. I invite you to join me on this journey of discovery.

Stories from the Parks

From crackling dessert to the roar of the jungle, this section of my blog explore my treks and travel through the worlds most extreme and elegant national parks

I invite you to join me on this journey of discovery.

"Our national parks are more than simply breathtaking landscapes. They are part of our shared heritage, and it's up to all of us to protect them for generations to come."

— Ken Burns

Journey Together: Your Donation Helps Me Create and Navigate Towards a More Adventurous and Engaging Blog Experience